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  1. Art at home: Making a kaleidoscope!

    It’s a rainy day outside and you are staying indoors? It is the perfect time to do arts and crafts. Discover how to make a beautiful and...

  2. When motor skills and simplicity go hand in hand

    Everyone agrees on the importance of psychomotor education in children. This is a broad area that includes fine motor skills, gross motor skills, as...

  3. Did you do your homework?

    If success in school is a responsibility to be shared by the school, parents, children and society in general, dealing with homework on a daily basis...

  4. What to Consider When Choosing a Toy?

    With the Holidays or a child birthday, sometimes you may ask yourself: How do I go about choosing a good toy? The key is to look at a toy through a...

  5. So you want to open a day-care centre?

    Childcare services can take many forms from day-care centres to facilities to private-home centres to early childhood centres (CPE), and it can get...

  6. Hurray it’s P.D. Day!*

    ASGEMSQ, the in-school daycare association of Quebec, asked one of its members to describe how the Harfang-des-Neiges school (Premières...

  7. Robotics – A teaching tool for the 21st Century

    The 21st Century came barreling through the doors of our schools with its share of challenges and issues, but also with endless possibilities. To...

  8. Workshop : Flower Arrangement

    Whether done as a group, team or family, this collective creation (3 or more participants) will brighten your day. 1 - Apply tempera freely...

  9. BB Education turns 70!

    The year 2014 marks the 70th anniversary of BB Education. Since the beginning, our teams have been driven by the same passion for offering a...

  10. Using pictograms

    What is a pictogram? A pictogram is a simplified drawing that depicts in the clearest way possible an action or a more abstract concept such as...

  11. How are Brault & Bouthillier’s products selected?

    The expression “Seek and ye shall find” is particularly appropriate at Brault & Bouthillier! First, we seek: each year, our experts...

  12. Educational benefits of playing with modelling clay or pottery clay

    Educational benefits of playing with modelling clay or pottery clay Playing with modelling clay or pottery clay can help children develop...

  13. Educational benefits of building blocks and sets

    Building blocks and setscan help children develop important skills and competencies. The information in this document was compiled by...

  14. Educational benefits of sand and water play

    Sand and water playcan help children develop important skills and competencies. The information in this document was compiled by Marie-Élaine...

  15. Take science outdoors!

    It took awhile, but spring is here at last… better late than never! Now is the time for young explorers to venture outside and make new...

  16. A Stretch in Time…

    Why Stretch? If cats could talk, they would shout from the rooftops that nothing beats a good stretch! Stretching is more spontaneous in the...

  17. Easter decorations at home (french only)

    Instructions Aplatir un petit rouleau de carton vide et enrouler autour de celui-ci, vers le centre, un brin de laine une centaine de fois....

  18. The benefits of a multisensory room

    Sensory play has many unexpected benefits! It reinforces the brain’s nerve connections and promotes fine and gross motor skills, concentration,...

  19. 5 idées de bricolages pour les petits cocos! (in French only)

    Lorsqu’on voit soudainement apparaître une panoplie de lapins, de petits cocos et de chocolat partout où l’on va, on sait...

  20. Playing outdoors…at school

    In the era of tablets, smart phones and screens of all kinds, it is often difficult to convince children to go play outside. Yet playing outside...

  21. 12 perfect game and gift ideas tested by the Vie de Parents family

    You know the Vie de Parents family, always ready to test games, activities and gifts that will please little ones, older children and even...

  22. It's the Holiday Season at Brault & Bouthillier!

    Christmas is almost upon us! Brault & Bouthillier is offering to be your best ally as you prepare your sack of gifts. This year once again,...

  23. Games to play on the porch

    You know the Brault & Bouthillier family, always ready to test games, activities and gifts that will please little ones, older children and even...